Kod | nazev |
M228 | Anaerobic Agar Pro kultivaci anaerobních bakterií, zejména druhů rodu Clostridium. |
M713 | Ashby’s Glucose Agar for cultivation of Azotobacter species from soil that can use glucose and atmospheric nitrogen as source of carbon and nitrogen respectively. |
M706 | Ashby’s Mannitol Agar Pro izolaci a kultivaci druhů rodu Azotobacter ze vzorků půdy. |
M371 | Azotobacter Agar (Glucose) for isolation and cultivation of glucose positive Azotobacter species from soil. |
M372 | Azotobacter Agar (Mannitol) for isolation, cultivation and identification of mannitol positive Azotobacter species from soil. |
M518 | Azospirillum Medium w/ 0.17% Agar (Twin Pack) for cultivation of Azospirillum species. |
M708 | Beijerinckia Medium for isolation of Beijerinckia. |
M707 | Burk’s Medium for isolation and cultivation of nitrogen fixing bacteria such as Azotobacter species. |
M210 | BHI Broth Pro pomnožení a kultivaci patogenních koků a ostatních nutričně náročných mikroorganismů z krevních vzorků a klinického materiálu. |
M757 | Glucose Yeast Peptone Agar Pro izolaci a kultivaci kvasinek z půdních vzorků . |
M723 | Inorganic Salt Medium (Modified Raggios Medium) for studying soil microorganisms such as Rhizobium species. |
M718 | Jensen Seedling Agar for germinating seeds of leguminous plants while studying the nodulating ability of Rhizobium isolates. |
M710 | Jensen’s Medium (Agar) for detection and cultivation of nitrogen fixing bacteria. |
M712 | Norris Glucose Nitrogen Free Medium for cultivation of chemoheterotrophic bacteria that can fix atmospheric nitrogen. |
M520 | Pikovskaya’s Agar for detection of phosphate solubilizing soil microorganisms. |
M408 | Rhizobium Medium for cultivation and isolation of Rhizobium species. |
M726 | Thiosulphate Agar for cultivation of sulphur metabolizing bacteria present in soil specimens. |
M720 | Yeast Lactose Agar for cultivation of soil microorganisms such as Rhizobium species. |
M715 | Yeast Mannitol Agar w/ 1.5% Agar Pro izolaci,kultivaci a stanovení počtu půdních mikroorganismů, zejména druhů rodu Rhizobium. |
M721 | Yeast Mannitol Agar w/ Congo Red for cultivation of soil microorganisms like Rhizobium species. |
M716 | Yeast Mannitol Broth for cultivation of Rhizobium species. |
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