Lactobacily / kvasinky

FD032 OxyT Selective Supplement
recommended for the selective isolation and cultivation of yeasts and moulds.
FD123 50% Potassium Lactate (10 ml per vial)
recommended for isolation and enumeration of wild yeasts and in pitching yeasts.
GM129 Wort Agar, granulated
for the cultivation and enumeration of yeasts.
GM130 Rogosa SL Agar, granulated
for selective cultivation of oral and faecal Lactobacilli.
GM639 Oxytetra Glucose Yeast Agar Base (OGYE Agar Base), granulated
for selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and/or moulds in foods.
GM641 Lactobacillus MRS Agar (MRS Agar), granulated
for isolation and cultivation of Lactobacilli.
M050 WL Nutrient Broth
for cultivation of yeasts, moulds and bacteria encountered in brewing and industrial fermentation processes.
M1087 Lactic Bacteria Differential Agar
Pro rozlišení homofermentativních a heterofermentativních druhů bakterií mléčného kvašení.
M115 WL Nutrient Medium
for cultivation and isolation of microorganisms encountered in brewing and industrial fermentation processes.
M129 Wort Agar
Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů kvasinek.
M130 Rogosa SL Agar
Pro selektivní kultivaci orálních i fekálních druhů rodu Lactobacillus .
M1331 SCHWARZ Differential Medium
Pro rozlišení pivovarských od divokých kvasinek v pivovarnickém průmyslu.
M1333 Lee’s Multidifferential Agar
used in the brewing industry for the cultivation and identification of brewing bacteria including fastidious type.
M1384 Raka Ray No. 3 Broth Base (Lactic Acid Bacteria Selective Broth Base)
for selective isolation of lactic acid bacteria encountered in beer and the brewing process.
M424 ISP Medium No. 2 (Yeast Malt Agar) (YM Agar)
for the isolation and cultivation of yeasts, moulds and other aciduric microorganisms.
M609 Litmus SM Broth
Pro stanovení vlivu bakterií na mléko a pro uchovávání kmenů laktobacilů.
M639 Oxytetra Glucose Yeast Agar Base (OGYE Agar Base)
for selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and/or moulds in foods.
M640 Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu kvasinek a plísní v potravinách a vzorcích z prostředí.
M642 Lysine Medium Base
Pro izolaci a stanovení počtů divokých kvasinek v kulturních kvasinkách (pivovarské, vinné).
M829 Tomato Juice Medium Base
Pro izolaci, identifikaci a stanovení počtu laktobacilů ve víně.
MV050 WL Nutrient HiVeg™ Broth
for cultivation of yeasts, moulds and bacteria encountered in brewing and industrial fermentation processes.
MV1060 WL Differential HiVeg™ Agar
for selective isolation and enumeration of bacteria encountered in breweries and industrial fermentations.
MV1087 Lactic Bacteria Differential HiVeg™ Agar
for differentiation of homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria.
MV115 WL Nutrient HiVeg™ Medium
for cultivation and isolation of microorganisms encountered in brewing and industrial fermentation processes.
MV129 Wort HiVeg™ Agar
for the cultivation and enumeration of yeasts.
MV130 Rogosa SL HiVeg™ Agar
for selective cultivation of oral and faecal Lactobacilli.
MV1331 SCHWARZ Differential HiVeg™ Medium
used in the brewing industry for the differentiation of brewing yeasts from wild yeasts.
MV1333 Lee’s Multidifferential HiVeg™ Agar
used in the brewing industry for the cultivation and identification of brewing bacteria including fastidious type.
MV410 WL Differential HiVeg™ Broth
for selective isolation and enumeration of bacteria encountered in breweries and industrial fermentations.
MV424 Yeast Malt HiVeg™ Agar (YM HiVeg™ Agar)
Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci kvasinek, plísní a acidotolerantních mikoorganismů.
MV640 Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol HiVeg™ Agar
for selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds from foods and environmental materials.
MV829 Tomato Juice HiVeg™ Medium Base
for isolation and identification of Lactobacilli encountered in wine.

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