Kod | nazev |
FD032 | OxyT Selective Supplement recommended for the selective isolation and cultivation of yeasts and moulds. |
FD033 | Chlor Selective Supplement recommended for the selective isolation of yeasts and moulds. |
FD095 | 10% Lactic Acid Solution (10 ml/vl) recommended for the adjustment of acidic pH. |
FD131 | Genox Selective Supplement Pro stanovení počtů a selektivní izolaci kvasinek a plísní z masa a masných výrobků. |
M014 | Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar Pro stanovení počtu bakterií ve vodě, vzduchu, mléce a mléčných výrobcích. |
M092 | Dextrose Tryptone Agar Pro detekci a stanovení počtů mesofilních a termofilních mikroorganismů v potravinách. |
M1000 | Dichloran Medium Base w/ Rose Bengal Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů kvasinek a plísní významně se podílejících na zkáze potravin. |
M1008 | Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů kvasinek a plísní v mléce a mléčných výrobcích. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 6611; 7954; 7698. |
M102 | Dextrose Salt Agar enumeration of yeasts and moulds in butter and other dairy products. |
M1114 | M-Standard Methods Broth for enumeration of bacteria in milk and other samples of sanitary importance in dairy industries by membrane filter technique. |
M1116 | M-Tryptone Glucose Extract Broth Pro stanovení počtu bakterií v mléce a dalších vzorcích ze sanitace mléčného zařízení metodou membránové filtrace. |
M122 | Dextrose Tryptone Broth Pro pomnožení a kultivaci mesofilních a termofilních mikroorganismů v potravinách. |
M1337J | Thiosulphate Ringer Solution Powder for assessing the cleanliness and sterility of dairy plant after hypochlorite solution has been used for disinfection purpose. |
M137 | Malt Extract Agar Base (w/ Mycological Peptone) Pro detekci, izolaci a stanovení počtů kvasinek a plísní. |
M1467 | HiCrome™ OGYE Agar Base recommended for isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds from milk and milk products by chromogenic method. |
M1590 | Yeast Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar selective agar recommended for enumerating yeasts and moulds in milk and milk products. |
M1623 | SM Plate Count Agar recommended for determining the microbial count in milk and dairy products. |
M253 | Malt Agar Pro kultivaci a izolaci kvasinek a plísní z mléčných výrobků, potravin a dalších materiálů. Lze též použít pro uchovávání kultur kvasinek a plísní. |
M302 | Plate Count Agar w/ Tween 80 and Lecithin (Standard Methods Agar w/ Tween 80 and Lecithin) for sanitary examination of surfaces that is for counts before and after application of disinfectants. |
M307 | Sugar Free Agar for examination of butter in accordance with International Dairy Federation. |
M424 | ISP Medium No. 2 (Yeast Malt Agar) (YM Agar) for the isolation and cultivation of yeasts, moulds and other aciduric microorganisms. |
M442 | Peptonized SM Agar for cultivation of lactic acid bacteria and examination of dairy products. |
M449 | Tryptone Soya Agar w/ Lecithin, Tween 80 (Microbial Content Test Agar) Pro stanovení účinnosti sanitace obalů, nádob, povrchů strojního zařízení v kosmetickém průmyslu apod. |
M461 | Phosphate Buffer, APHA, pH 7.2 for preparation of dilution, blanks for the examination of waters, dairy products, foods, eating utensils and other specimens. |
M585 | Buffered Yeast Agar for cultivation of yeasts and moulds and for the controlling of bottle washing operations in the soft drinks and related industries. |
M609 | Litmus SM Broth Pro stanovení vlivu bakterií na mléko a pro uchovávání kmenů laktobacilů. |
M609S | Litmus SM Broth for maintenance of Lactobacilli and for determining the action of bacteria on milk. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part IV)-1976. |
M639I | Oxytetra Glucose Yeast Agar Base (OGYE Agar Base) recommended for isolation and enumeration of yeasts & moulds from milk and milk products. The composition and performance criteria of this medium are as per the specifications laid down in ISO 1992,ISO/DIS 6611. |
M640 | Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu kvasinek a plísní v potravinách a vzorcích z prostředí. |
M763 | SM Agar Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů mikroorganismů v mlékárenském průmyslu. |
M791 | Tryptone Glucose HM Peptone B Agar (TGB Agar) for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and other dairy products. |
M842 | Rose Bengal Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů kvasinek a plísní v potravinách a ve vzorcích z prostředí. |
M913 | Dextrose Tryptone Agar, Modified for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic, aerobic flat-sour sporeformers from canned foods, sugar etc. |
M914 | Dextrose Tryptone Broth, Modified for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic sporeformers. |
M937 | Potato Dextrose Agar w/ 3% Agar for cultivation of yeasts and moulds from dairy and other food products. |
M980 | Dextrose Salt Broth enumeration of yeasts and moulds in butter and other dairy products. |
MV014 | Tryptone Glucose Extract HiVeg™ Agar for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and dairy products. |
MV092 | Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Agar for detection and enumeration of mesophilic and thermophilic aerobic organisms in foods. |
MV1000 | Dichloran HiVeg™ Medium Base with Rose for selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds associated with food spoilage. |
MV122 | Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Broth for enrichment and cultivation of mesophilic and thermophilic organisms in foods. |
MV137 | Malt Extract HiVeg™ Agar Base for detection, isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds. |
MV302 | Standard Methods HiVeg™ Agar w/ Tween for sanitary examination of surfaces, that is, for counts before and after application of disinfectants. |
MV424 | Yeast Malt HiVeg™ Agar (YM HiVeg™ Agar) Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci kvasinek, plísní a acidotolerantních mikoorganismů. |
MV449 | Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Agar w/ Lecithin for determining efficiency of sanitization of containers, equipment surfaces, water miscible cosmetics etc. |
MV791 | Tryptone Glucose HM Peptone B HiVeg™ Agar for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and other dairy products. |
MV913 | Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Agar, Modified for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic, aerobic flat-sour sporeformers from canned foods, sugar etc. |
MV914 | Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Broth, Modified for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic sporeformers. |
SM096 | Potato Dextrose Agar |
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