Kultivační média pro kvasinky a plísně

FD032 OxyT Selective Supplement
recommended for the selective isolation and cultivation of yeasts and moulds.
FD033 Chlor Selective Supplement
recommended for the selective isolation of yeasts and moulds.
FD095 10% Lactic Acid Solution (10 ml/vl)
recommended for the adjustment of acidic pH.
FD131 Genox Selective Supplement
Pro stanovení počtů a selektivní izolaci kvasinek a plísní z masa a masných výrobků.
M014 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar
Pro stanovení počtu bakterií ve vodě, vzduchu, mléce a mléčných výrobcích.
M092 Dextrose Tryptone Agar
Pro detekci a stanovení počtů mesofilních a termofilních mikroorganismů v potravinách.
M1000 Dichloran Medium Base w/ Rose Bengal
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů kvasinek a plísní významně se podílejících na zkáze potravin.
M1008 Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů kvasinek a plísní v mléce a mléčných výrobcích. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 6611; 7954; 7698.
M102 Dextrose Salt Agar
enumeration of yeasts and moulds in butter and other dairy products.
M1114 M-Standard Methods Broth
for enumeration of bacteria in milk and other samples of sanitary importance in dairy industries by membrane filter technique.
M1116 M-Tryptone Glucose Extract Broth
Pro stanovení počtu bakterií v mléce a dalších vzorcích ze sanitace mléčného zařízení metodou membránové filtrace.
M122 Dextrose Tryptone Broth
Pro pomnožení a kultivaci mesofilních a termofilních mikroorganismů v potravinách.
M1337J Thiosulphate Ringer Solution Powder
for assessing the cleanliness and sterility of dairy plant after hypochlorite solution has been used for disinfection purpose.
M137 Malt Extract Agar Base (w/ Mycological Peptone)
Pro detekci, izolaci a stanovení počtů kvasinek a plísní.
M1467 HiCrome™ OGYE Agar Base
recommended for isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds from milk and milk products by chromogenic method.
M1590 Yeast Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar
selective agar recommended for enumerating yeasts and moulds in milk and milk products.
M1623 SM Plate Count Agar
recommended for determining the microbial count in milk and dairy products.
M253 Malt Agar
Pro kultivaci a izolaci kvasinek a plísní z mléčných výrobků, potravin a dalších materiálů. Lze též použít pro uchovávání kultur kvasinek a plísní.
M302 Plate Count Agar w/ Tween 80 and Lecithin (Standard Methods Agar w/ Tween 80 and Lecithin)
for sanitary examination of surfaces that is for counts before and after application of disinfectants.
M307 Sugar Free Agar
for examination of butter in accordance with International Dairy Federation.
M424 ISP Medium No. 2 (Yeast Malt Agar) (YM Agar)
for the isolation and cultivation of yeasts, moulds and other aciduric microorganisms.
M442 Peptonized SM Agar
for cultivation of lactic acid bacteria and examination of dairy products.
M449 Tryptone Soya Agar w/ Lecithin, Tween 80 (Microbial Content Test Agar)
Pro stanovení účinnosti sanitace obalů, nádob, povrchů strojního zařízení v kosmetickém průmyslu apod.
M461 Phosphate Buffer, APHA, pH 7.2
for preparation of dilution, blanks for the examination of waters, dairy products, foods, eating utensils and other specimens.
M585 Buffered Yeast Agar
for cultivation of yeasts and moulds and for the controlling of bottle washing operations in the soft drinks and related industries.
M609 Litmus SM Broth
Pro stanovení vlivu bakterií na mléko a pro uchovávání kmenů laktobacilů.
M609S Litmus SM Broth
for maintenance of Lactobacilli and for determining the action of bacteria on milk. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part IV)-1976.
M639I Oxytetra Glucose Yeast Agar Base (OGYE Agar Base)
recommended for isolation and enumeration of yeasts & moulds from milk and milk products. The composition and performance criteria of this medium are as per the specifications laid down in ISO 1992,ISO/DIS 6611.
M640 Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu kvasinek a plísní v potravinách a vzorcích z prostředí.
M763 SM Agar
Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů mikroorganismů v mlékárenském průmyslu.
M791 Tryptone Glucose HM Peptone B Agar (TGB Agar)
for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and other dairy products.
M842 Rose Bengal Agar Base
Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů kvasinek a plísní v potravinách a ve vzorcích z prostředí.
M913 Dextrose Tryptone Agar, Modified
for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic, aerobic flat-sour sporeformers from canned foods, sugar etc.
M914 Dextrose Tryptone Broth, Modified
for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic sporeformers.
M937 Potato Dextrose Agar w/ 3% Agar
for cultivation of yeasts and moulds from dairy and other food products.
M980 Dextrose Salt Broth
enumeration of yeasts and moulds in butter and other dairy products.
MV014 Tryptone Glucose Extract HiVeg™ Agar
for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and dairy products.
MV092 Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Agar
for detection and enumeration of mesophilic and thermophilic aerobic organisms in foods.
MV1000 Dichloran HiVeg™ Medium Base with Rose
for selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds associated with food spoilage.
MV122 Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Broth
for enrichment and cultivation of mesophilic and thermophilic organisms in foods.
MV137 Malt Extract HiVeg™ Agar Base
for detection, isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds.
MV302 Standard Methods HiVeg™ Agar w/ Tween
for sanitary examination of surfaces, that is, for counts before and after application of disinfectants.
MV424 Yeast Malt HiVeg™ Agar (YM HiVeg™ Agar)
Médium, u kterého jsou kompletně nahrazeny živočišné peptony rostlinnými, je určeno pro kultivaci kvasinek, plísní a acidotolerantních mikoorganismů.
MV449 Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Agar w/ Lecithin
for determining efficiency of sanitization of containers, equipment surfaces, water miscible cosmetics etc.
MV791 Tryptone Glucose HM Peptone B HiVeg™ Agar
for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and other dairy products.
MV913 Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Agar, Modified
for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic, aerobic flat-sour sporeformers from canned foods, sugar etc.
MV914 Dextrose Tryptone HiVeg™ Broth, Modified
for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic sporeformers.
SM096 Potato Dextrose Agar

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