Kod | nazev |
FD048 | U40 Supplement (5 ml per vial) recommended for detection of urease activity in following media : |
FD068 | S Selective Supplement recommended for selective isolation of Salmonella species. |
FD101 | NO 15 Selective Supplement recommended for the rapid presumptive detection of Salmonella species in foods and feed materials. |
FD233 | Van10 Selective Supplement Pro selektivní pomnožení Enterobacter sakazakii. |
M008A | MacConkey Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.5% Bile Salts for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting enteric bacteria. |
M016 | Brilliant Green Agar Base, Modified Pro selektivní kultivaci druhů rodu Salmonella, kromě "S. typhi", ze stolice, ale i z mléka a mléčných výrobků a dalších potravin. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda L). |
M016A | Brilliant Green Agar Base w/ 1.2% Agar Pro selektivní kultivaci druhů rodu Salmonella, kromě „S. typhi", ze stolice, ale i z mléka a mléčných výrobků a dalších potravin. |
M022 | EMB Agar, Levine Pro stanovení počtů, izolaci a diferenciaci bakterií z čeledi Enterobacteriaceae . |
M025 | Selenite Cystine Broth (Fluid Selenite Cystine Medium) (Twin Pack) Pomnožovací médium pro izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella z potravin, mléčných výrobků, zdravotnických materiálů a klinických vzorků. |
M026 | Fluid Lactose Medium Pro detekci koliformních mikroorganismů a pro sledování fermentace laktosy běžnými bakteriemi. |
M027 | Bismuth Sulphite Agar Pro selektivní izolaci a předběžnou identifikaci druhů rodu Salmonella z klinických vzorků, vody, odpadní vody, potravin a dalších materiálů. |
M029 | Endo Agar Pro detekci a rozlišení laktosa-pozitivních a laktosa-negativních koliformních bakterií. |
M030 | Deoxycholate Agar for direct differential count of coliforms in dairy products and for isolation of enteric pathogens from rectal swabs, faeces and other pathological specimens. |
M031 | Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar) Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů Salmonella spp. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům Českého lékopisu (půda K). |
M031I | XLD Agar, Modified Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu salmonel. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 6579 a 21567. |
M032 | Tetrathionate Broth Base w/o Iodine and BG (Fluid Tetrathionate Medium w/o Iodine and BG) Pro selektivní pomnožení druhů rodu Salmonella při izolaci z klinických vzorků, z potravin a dalších vzorků. |
M049 | Violet Red Bile Agar Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů koliformních bakterií z vody a potravin. |
M049A | Violet Red Bile Agar (1.2%) Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtů koliformních bakterií z vody a potravin. |
M052 | Selenite Broth (Selenite F Broth) (Twin Pack) Pomnožovací médium pro izolaci druhů rodu Salmonella z klinických vzorků (stolice, moč). |
M057 | Double Sugar Agar, Russell for differentiation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli on the basis of their ability to ferment dextrose and lactose with or without gas formation. |
M066 | Deoxycholate Lactose Agar (Hynes) Pro izolaci a stanovení počtu koliformních bakterií ve vodách, odpadních vodách, mléku a mléčných výrobcích. |
M069 | Koser Citrate Medium to differentiate Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes on the basis of citrate utilization. |
M071 | Bile Broth Base for cultivation of members of the Enterobacteriaceae and in culture of blood clots from patients with suspected enteric fever. |
M072 | Nitrate Agar K detekci bakterií schopných redukovat dusičnany na dusitany . |
M080 | Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose Broth) Pro detekci koliformních bakterií izolovaných z vody, mléka a mléčných výrobků a dalších potravin. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 11866-1; 4831; 7251. |
M083 | MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP for presumptive identification of coliforms from variety of specimens such as water, milk and food etc. |
M099 | Simmons Citrate Agar Pro diferenciaci bakterií čeledi Enterobacteriaceae na základě schopnosti využívat citran jako zdroj uhlíku. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 10273 a ČSN P ISO/TS 22964. |
M1003 | Lactose Broth Pro detekci koliformních bakterií ve vodě, potravinách a mléčných výrobcích. |
M1046 | MUG Lauryl Sulphate Broth for detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by a fluorogenic method. |
M1075 | Endo Agar, Modified for detection and isolation of coliforms and other enteric organisms. |
M108 | SS Agar (Salmonella Shigella Agar) Pro diferenciaci a selektivní izolaci Salmonella spp. a některých druhů rodu Shigella z klinických vzorků a vzorků podezřelých potravin. |
M1081 | B.T.B. Lactose Agar, Modified (Lactose Blue Agar) Pro diferenciaci bakterií z čeledi Enterobacteriaceae na základě fermentace laktosy. |
M1107 | M-Endo Broth for estimation of coliforms in water samples using membrane filter technique. |
M111 | Urea Broth Base recommended for the identification of bacteria on the basis of urea utilization, specially for the differentiation of Proteus, Salmonella and Shigella species. |
M112 | Urea Agar Base (Christensen) (Autoclavable) Pro stanovení mikrobiální ureasové aktivity, zejména u druhů rodu Proteus. |
M121 | Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2% recommended for detection and confirmation of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, foods, milk and dairy products. |
M1211 | Coliform Broth for isolation and cultivation of coliform organisms from cream, yogurt and raw milk. |
M1226 | Mucate Broth for identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella species from milk and milk products. |
M1227 | Mucate Control Broth for identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella species from milk and milk products. |
M123 | Formate Ricinoleate Broth for detection of coliform bacteria in milk, water and other materials of sanitary importance. |
M127 | EC Broth for selective enumeration of faecal and non faecal coliforms in water, wastewater and shell fish. |
M142 | Kohn Two Tube Medium No.1 Base for identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of dextrose and mannitol fermentation and urease production. |
M1589 | Glucose Agar for determining the fermentation reaction of presumptive Enterobacteriaecae. |
M1643 | Modified Lauryl Sulphate Tryptose Broth Base Pro selektivní pomnožení Enterobacter sakazakii ze vzorků mléka a mléčných výrobků. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN P ISO/TS 22964. |
M1684 | Violet Red Bile Agar w/ Glucose and Lactose recommended for selective isolation and enumeration of coli-aerogenes bacteria in water, milk and other dairy food products. |
M178 | D.C.L.S. Agar, Hajna for the isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli. |
M181 | SIM Medium Pro diferenciaci enterobakterií na základě produkce sirovodíku, indolu a pohyblivosti. |
M242 | GN Broth, Hajna Pro selektivní kultivaci gramnegativních enterobakterií. |
M317 | EMB Agar for differential isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli from clinical and non-clinical specimens. |
M364 | Indole Nitrate Medium (Tryptone Nitrate Medium) for identification of microorganisms by means of nitrate reduction and indole production. |
M382 | Malonate Broth Pro rozlišení druhů rodů Enterobacter a Escherichia na základě schopnosti utilizovat malonát. |
M393 | Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller Pro diferenciaci bakterií na základě schopnosti dekarboxylace aminokyselin. |
M439 | Nitrate Broth K identifikaci bakterií na základě jejich schopnosti redukovat dusičnany na dusitany. |
M458 | Violet Red Bile Broth for detection and enumeration of coliforms from water and food. |
M463 | Tryptone Water (Tryptone Broth) for detection of indole producing microorganisms. |
M779 | Malonate Broth, Ewing Modified for differentiation of members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of malonate utilization. |
M781 | Phenylalanine Malonate Broth(Shaw & Clarke Medium) for differentiation of members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of their ability to utilize malonate and produce pyruvic acid from phenylalanine. |
M802 | Kohn Two Tube Medium No.2 for identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of sucrose and salicin fermentation, motility, hydrogen sulphide and indole production. |
M826 | Hugh Leifson Medium for detecting aerobic and anaerobic breakdown of glucose. |
M845 | Lysine Iron Cystine Broth Base for rapid presumptive detection of Salmonellae in foods, food ingredients and feed materials. |
M847 | Motility-Indole-Lysine Medium (MIL Medium) Pro identifikaci bakterií čeledi Enterobacteriaceae na základě stanovení pohyblivosti, indolu, lysin deaminázy a lysin dekarboxylázy. |
M880 | Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium Pomnožovací médium pro salmonely v podmínkách vysokého osmotického tlaku, nízkého pH, při teplotě 43 °C a nenáročných nutričních požadavcích. |
M912 | Decarboxylase Test Medium Base (Falkow) for testing amino acid decarboxylase activity. |
MV008A | MacConkey HiVeg™ Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.0075% for isolation and differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting enteric bacteria. |
MV016 | Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Agar Base, for selective isolation of Salmonellae other than Salmonella Typhi from faeces, foods, dairy products. |
MV016A | Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Agar Base w/ 1.2% recommended as enrichment medium for isolation of Salmonellae from faeces, urine and other pathological materials. |
MV022 | EMB HiVeg™ Agar, Levine for isolation, enumeration and differentiation of members of Enterobacteriaceae. |
MV025 | Fluid Selenite Cystine HiVeg™ Medium enrichment medium for isolation of Salmonellae in foods, dairy products and materials of sanitary importance and clinical specimens. |
MV026 | Fluid Lactose HiVeg™ Medium as a pre-enrichment medium for detection of coliform bacteria in water, dairy products and foods. |
MV027 | Bismuth Sulphite HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation of Salmonellae from faeces, urine, sewage and other materials. |
MV029 | Endo HiVeg™ Agar for the confirmation of the presumptive test for members of the coliform group. |
MV030 | Deoxycholate Agar, HiVeg™ for direct differential count of coliforms in dairy products and for isolation of enteric pathogens from rectal swabs, faeces and other pathological specimens. |
MV031 | XLD HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation and enumeration of Salmonella Typhi and other Salmonella species. |
MV032 | Tetrathionae HiVeg™ Broth Base (w/o selective enrichment medium for isolating Salmonellae from foods and other pathological materials. |
MV049 | Violet Red HiVeg™ Agar for selective isolation, detection and enumeration of coli-aerogenes bacteria in water, milk and other dairy food products. |
MV066 | Deoxycholate Lactose HiVeg™ Agar for isolation and enumeration of coliforms in water, waste-water, milk and dairy products. |
MV070 | MR-VP HiVeg™ Medium (Glucose Phosphate for studying Methyl Red and Voges Proskauer tests to differentiate amongst coli-aerogenes group. |
MV071 | Bile Broth Base, HiVeg™ for cultivation of members of the Enterobacteriaceae and in culture of blood clots from patients with suspected enteric fever. |
MV072 | Nitrate HiVeg™ Agar for detection of nitrate reduction by bacteria. |
MV080 | Lauryl Sulphate HiVeg™ Broth (Lauryl for detection and enumeration of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, dairy products and other food samples. |
MV083 | MacConkey HiVeg™ Broth Purple w/ BCP for presumptive identification of coliforms from variety of specimens such as water, milk and food etc. |
MV1003 | Lactose HiVeg™ Broth for the detection of coliform bacteria in water, foods, dairy products. |
MV1046 | MUG Lauryl Sulphate HiVeg™ Broth, for detection of Escherichia coli in water and food samples by a fluorogenic method. |
MV1075 | Endo HiVeg™ Agar, Modified for detection and isolation of coliforms and other enteric organisms. |
MV108 | SS HiVeg™ Agar (Salmonella Shigella for differential and selective isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species from pathological specimens, suspected foodstuffs etc. |
MV1081 | Lactose Blue HiVeg™ Agar (B.T.B. Lactose for differentiation of lactose fermenting and non-fermenting bacteria belonging to Enterobacteriaceae. |
MV1107 | M-Endo HiVeg™ Broth for estimation of coliforms in water samples using membrane filter technique. |
MV112 | Urea HiVeg™ Agar Base (Christensen) for detection of urease production, particularly by Proteus vulgaris, Micrococci and paracolon organisms. |
MV121 | Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Broth 2% recommended for detection and confirmation of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, foods, milk and dairy products. |
MV1211 | Coliform HiVeg™ Broth for isolation and cultivation of coliform organisms from cream, yogurt and raw milk. |
MV1226 | Mucate HiVeg™ Broth for identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella species from milk and milk products. |
MV1227 | Mucate Control HiVeg™ Broth for identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella species from milk and milk products. |
MV127 | EC HiVeg™ Broth for selective enumeration of faecal and non faecal coliforms in water, wastewater and shell fish. |
MV142 | Kohn Two Tube HiVeg™ Medium No.1 Base for identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of dextrose and mannitol fermentation and urease production. |
MV178 | D.C.L.S. HiVeg™ Agar for the isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli. |
MV181 | SIM HiVeg™ Medium for determination of hydrogen sulphide production, indole formation and motility of enteric bacilli. |
MV242 | GN HiVeg™ Broth for selective enrichment of Gram-negative organisms of the enteric group. |
MV317 | EMB HiVeg™ Agar for differential isolation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli from clinical and non-clinical specimens. |
MV364 | Tryptone Nitrate HiVeg™ Medium for identification of microorganisms by means of nitrate reduction and indole production. |
MV393 | Moeller Decarboxylase HiVeg™ Broth Base with the addition of appropriate L-amino acid, it is used to differentiate bacteria on the basis of their ability to decarboxylate the amino acid. |
MV439 | Nitrate HiVeg™ Broth for detection of nitrate reduction by bacteria. |
MV458 | Violet Red HiVeg™ Broth for detection and enumeration of coliforms from water and food. |
MV463 | Tryptone Water, HiVeg™ (Tryptone Broth, HiVeg™) for detection of indole producing microorganisms. |
MV802 | Kohn Two Tube HiVeg™ Medium No.2 for identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of sucrose and salicin fermentation, motility, hydrogen sulphide and indole production. |
MV826 | Hugh Leifson HiVeg™ Medium for detecting aerobic and anaerobic breakdown of glucose. |
MV845 | Lysine Iron Cystine HiVeg™ Broth Base for rapid presumptive detection of Salmonellae in foods, food ingredients and feed materials. |
MV847 | Motility-Indole-Lysine HiVeg™ Medium for identification of members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of motility, lysine decarboxylase, lysine deaminase and indole production. |
MV912 | Decarboxylase Test HiVeg™ Medium Base for testing amino acid decarboxylase activity. |
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