Kod | nazev |
FD003 | PolyB Selective Supplement An antimicrobial supplement recommended for selective isolation of M.tuberculosis from suspected clinical specimens. antibiotic supplement recommended for the selective isolation of various microorganisms. |
FD045 | Egg Yolk Emulsion (100 ml per vial) Sterilní stabilizovaná žloutková emulse pro identifikaci druhů rodů Clostridium, Bacillus a Staphylococcus na základě jejich lecitinázové aktivity. |
FD145 | CAT Selective Supplement recommended for isolation of thermophilic Campylobacter species. |
KB013 | HiBacillust Identification Kit |
M001 | Nutrient Agar Obecně použitelné kultivační médium, které může být obohaceno přídavkem 10 % krve nebo jiné biologické tekutiny. |
M003 | Antibiotic Assay Medium No.1 (Seed Agar) Základní médium pro stanovení účinnosti antibiotik mikrobiálními metodami. |
M003B | Antibiotic Assay Medium A for microbiological assay of ß-lactam and other antibiotics in pharmaceutical and food related preparations in accordance with BP. |
M004B | Antibiotic Assay Medium A for microbiological assay of antibiotics in accordance with BP. (Note : pH of the Medium is 7.9) |
M005 | Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 2 (Base Agar) for microbiological assay of antibiotics. |
M006 | Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 5 (Streptomycin Assay Agar w/ Yeast extract) Pro mikrobiologické stanovení účinnosti streptomycinu za použití Bacillus subtilis (dle USP). |
M009 | Thioglycollate Medium Fluid Pro kultivaci aerobních, anaerobních a mikroaerofilních mikroorganismů a pro kontrolu sterility. |
M010 | Alternative Thioglycollate Medium (NIH Thioglycollate Broth)(Thioglycollate Broth, Alternative) Pro kontrolu sterility některých biologických výrobků, zejména zakalených a vizkózních. |
M011 | Tryptone Soya Broth Obecně použitelné médium pro kultivaci nutričně náročných i nenáročných mikroorganismů a pro kontrolu sterility. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 21871 a Českého lékopisu (půda A). |
M014 | Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar Pro stanovení počtu bakterií ve vodě, vzduchu, mléce a mléčných výrobcích. |
M017 | Sterility Testing Medium-A for checking presence of aerobic microorganisms in pharmacopoeial articles. |
M041 | Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 8 (Base Agar w/low pH) for microbiological assay of Mitomycin, Plicamycin and Vancomycin. |
M056 | Phenol Red Dextrose Broth for Dextrose fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
M060 | Nutrient Gelatin for detection of gelatin liquefaction by proteolytic microorganisms. |
M060S | Nutrient Gelatin for detection of gelatin liquefaction by proteolytic microorganisms. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part IV)-1976. |
M090 | Nutrient Agar, pH 6.0 w/ 0.8% NaCl for cultivation of bacteria requiring slightly acidic pH. |
M091 | Plate Count Agar (Standard Methods Agar) Pro stanovení počtu mikroorganismů v potravinách a vodě. |
M091A | Plate Count Agar Pro stanovení počtu mikroorganismů v mléce a mléčných výrobcích. |
M091S | Plate Count Agar for determining plate counts of microorganisms in milk and dairy products by pour plate technique. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS: 5402-1969. |
M092 | Dextrose Tryptone Agar Pro detekci a stanovení počtů mesofilních a termofilních mikroorganismů v potravinách. |
M1018 | Sporulation Broth Pro kultivaci a podporu tvorby spor u Bacillus subtilis. |
M1025 | Plate Count Agar, Special for estimation of microbial counts in raw milk and other dairy products as per Netherlands Dairy Association. |
M107 | Starch Agar for detection of starch hydrolyzing microorganisms. |
M107S | Starch Agar for detection of starch hydrolyzing microorganisms. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part IV)-1976. |
M1104 | M-Dextrose Tryptone Broth for detection and cultivation of thermophilic ‘flat sour’ microorganisms from food preparations using membrane filter technique. |
M1139 | Modified MYP Agar Base Po přídavku selektivních suplementů pro izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Bacillus a patogenních stafylokoků. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 7932 a 21871. |
M1194 | MUG Plate Count Agar for determination of plate count of microorganisms in milk and other dairy products by fluorogenic method. |
M1208 | Acid Broth for the cultivation of acid tolerant microorganisms from canned foods. |
M1213 | Modified SM Agar Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů mikroorganismů sledovaných v mlékárenství. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 6610; 6730 a 8553. |
M121S | Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2% for detection and confirmation of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, foods, milk and dairy products. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS: 5401-1969. |
M122 | Dextrose Tryptone Broth Pro pomnožení a kultivaci mesofilních a termofilních mikroorganismů v potravinách. |
M125 | Thermoacidurans Agar for isolation of Bacillus thermoacidurans from food products. |
M1286 | Soyabean Bile Broth Base for enrichment and isolation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7. |
M1350 | Aseptic Packing Line Medium a fluid medium used in validating aseptic packing lines. |
M1360 | Kundrat Agar for the routine qualitative detection of residues from antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents in animal-derived food. |
M1383 | Bacillus Medium Pro kultivaci a uchovávání Bacillus licheniformis. |
M1394 | Bacillus Differentiation Agar for differentiation between Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis based on mannitol fermentation. |
M140 | Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 4 for detection of Penicillin-G in milk samples using Bacillus stearothermophilus. |
M1429 | MUG EC 0157 Agar, Modified for direct isolation and differentiation of Escherichia coli O157 : H7 from food stuffs and clinical specimen. |
M1446 | PLET Agar Base recommended for the selective isolation and cultivation of Bacillus anthracis. |
M1451 | PLET Agar Base, Modified for isolation and enumeration of Bacillus anthracis. |
M1484 | Polymyxin Pyruvate Egg Yolk Mannitol Bromothymol Blue Agar Base (PEMBA) for the cultivation of Bacillus cereus. |
M1485 | Antibiotic Sulphonamide Sensitivity Test Agar (ASS Agar) for testing the antimicrobial effectiveness of antibiotics and sulphonamides as well as for detecting the presence of antimicrobial substances in milk, urine and other fluids. |
M1529 | Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/ 0.5% Soya lecithin for sanitary examination of surfaces. |
M157 | Tributyrin Agar Base w/o Tributyrin Pro detekci a stanovení počtu lipolytických mikro-organismů. |
M1581 | Thermophilic Acid Resistant Medium recommended for the cultivation and detection of thermophilic acid resistant microorganisms. |
M1608 | b-Streptococcus Selective Agar Base for the isolation of beta-haemolytic Streptococci from clinical specimens heavily contaminated with other bacteria. |
M1614 | Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose and Indicator used as a base for fermentation studies of an aerobic and microaerophilic organisms and for detecting microorganisms in normally sterile materials. |
M163 | Modified Plate Count Agar Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů bakterií v mlékárenském průmyslu. |
M1651 | HiCrome™ Bacillus Agar recommended for isolation and differentiation between various species of Bacillus by chromogenic method. |
M1655 | Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/ BCP general purpose medium for cultivation of wide variety of microorganisms. With the addition of carbohydrates it can also be used for the fermentation studies. |
M1666 | Antibiotic Assay Medium No.36 a general purpose medium used with or without blood or other enrichment, for isolating a wide variety of fastidious microorganisms. |
M1667 | Antibiotic Assay Medium No.37 for cultivation of wide variety of microorganisms and sterility testing of pharmaceutical preparations. |
M1698 | Plate Count Agar w/ 1.2% Agar for determination of plate count of microrganisms in foods and dairy products |
M1706 | CASOB Medium (Inactivator Broth) recommended for neutralising and determining bactericidal activity of quaternary ammonium compounds |
M1745 | Buffered Phosphate Broth (Twin Pack) recommended for the cultivation and differentiation of microorganisms based on coagulation and proteolysis of casein. |
M186 | Dey-Engley Neutralizing Agar (D/E Agar Disinfectant Testing) Pro kontrolu účinnosti desinfekčních přípravků. Neutralizuje antiseptika a desinfekční prostředky. |
M187 | Dey-Engley Neutralizing Broth Base Pro hodnocení účinnosti sanitace a stanovení antibakteriální aktivity kvarterních amoniových solí. |
M190 | Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose Pro kultivaci širokého spektra anaerobních, mikroaerofilních i aerobních mikroorganismů a pro studia fermentace uhlohydrátů. |
M193 | Thiostarch Broth for sterility testing of pharmaceutical or biological products. |
M223 | Antibiotic Assay Medium No.6 for induction of spore production in Bacillus subtilis strains used in antibiotic assay. |
M234 | AK Agar No.2 (Sporulating Agar) (Arret and Kirshbaum Medium) Pro produkci spor kmene Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, které jsou využívány jako inokulum v metodách detekce reziduí penicilinu a dalších antibiotik, zejména v mlékárenství. |
M307 | Sugar Free Agar for examination of butter in accordance with International Dairy Federation. |
M418 | Maintenance Medium for B. subtilis ATCC 6633 for maintenance of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, used as the test organism for microbiological assay of antibiotics. |
M439S | Nitrate Broth for detection of nitrate reduction by bacteria. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part IV)-1976. |
M462 | Thioglycollate Broth w/ HL Extract (B.Q. Vaccine Medium) for mass cultivation of anaerobes for the vaccine production. |
M530 | SM Growth Powder (Skim Milk Powder) Pro kultivaci mléčných mikroroganismů a stanovení jejich proteolytických schopností. |
M610 | Thiogel Medium for cultivation of strictly anaerobic, aerobic as well as facultative microorganisms and for the identification of pure cultures on the of basis of their ablility to liquefy gelatin. |
M636 | MYP Agar Base (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base) Pro izolaci a identifikaci druhů rodu Bacillus a patogenních stafylokoků. |
M636S | MYP Agar Base (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base) for isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci and Bacillus species. It is recommended by BIS committee under the specifications IS:5887(Part V)-1976. |
M637 | Modified V.P. Broth for performing VP test. |
M645 | Shapton Medium for enumeration of spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus which causes flat sour spoilage in canned foods with pH more than 4.5. |
M658 | KG Agar Base for promoting fast and free sporulation to distinguish between Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis. |
M686 | Gelatin Iron Agar Pro diagnostické testy ztekucování želatiny a tvorbu sirovodíku. |
M763 | SM Agar Pro kultivaci a stanovení počtů mikroorganismů v mlékárenském průmyslu. |
M791 | Tryptone Glucose HM Peptone B Agar (TGB Agar) for enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk and other dairy products. |
M833 | Bacillus Cereus Agar Base Pro selektivní izolaci a stanovení počtu Bacillus cereus. |
M849 | PM Indicator Agar for rapid detection of trace amounts of Penicillin in milk in accordance with AOAC. |
M906 | B.C. Motility Test Medium for testing motility of Bacillus cereus. |
M913 | Dextrose Tryptone Agar, Modified for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic, aerobic flat-sour sporeformers from canned foods, sugar etc. |
M914 | Dextrose Tryptone Broth, Modified for isolation and cultivation of aciduric and thermophilic sporeformers. |
M931 | Nutrient Agar w/ Manganese for promoting sporulation in Bacillus species. |
M952 | Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Broth for enumeration of microorganisms from foods by MPN technique. |
M985 | Starch SM Agar for detection of spores in heated milk and milk products. |
ME1665 | Antibiotic Assay Medium H for turbidimetric assay of Apramycin using Salmonella Cholerasuis as a test organism in accordance with EP. |
MV001 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar for cultivation of less fastidious microorganisms, can be enriched with blood or other biological fluids. |
MV056 | Phenol Red Dextrose HiVeg™ Broth for Dextrose fermentation studies of microorganisms. |
MV121 | Brilliant Green HiVeg™ Broth 2% recommended for detection and confirmation of coliform bacteria in water, waste water, foods, milk and dairy products. |
MV636 | Phenol Red HiVeg™ Polymyxin Agar Base for isolation and identification of pathogenic Staphylococci and Bacillus species. |
MV637 | Modified V.P. HiVeg™ Broth for performing VP test. |
MV658 | KG HiVeg™ Agar Base for promoting fast and free sporulation to distinguish between Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis. |
MV833 | Bacillus Cereus HiVeg™ Agar Base a selective medium for isolation, detection and enumeration of Bacillus cereus. |
MV906 | B.C. Motility Test HiVeg™ Medium for testing motility of Bacillus cereus. |
MV931 | Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar w/ Manganese for promoting sporulation in Bacillus species. |
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