
M855 Adams Agar
for examination of sporulation in yeasts.
M1336 Antimycotic Sensitivity Test Agar
Pro stanovení citlivosti mikroorganismů k antimykotikům difusní diskovou metodou.
M804 Ascospore Agar
for detection of ascosporogenous yeasts.
M146 Corn Meal Agar
Pro kultivaci Candida albicans vzhledem k tvorbě chlamydospor a pro uchovávání kultur kvasinek a plísní.
M983 Modified Gorodkowa Agar
for promoting sporulation of yeasts.
M938 Potato Dextrose Rose Bengal Agar
for promoting ascospore production.
M1026 Rice Extract Agar
Pro izolaci a kultivaci Candida albicans a produkci chlamydospor.
M1055 TOC Agar
for presumptive identification and differentiation of Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans.
M141 Yeast Carbon Base
for classification of yeasts on the basis of their ability to assimilate nitrogen compounds.
M138 Yeast Morphology Agar
for classification of yeasts on the basis of their colonial characteristics and cell morphology.
M139 Yeast Nitrogen Base
Pro klasifikaci kvasinek na základě jejich schopnosti asimilovat uhlíkaté sloučeniny
M677 Yeast Nitrogen Base Agar (Twin pack)
for assessing carbohydrate utilizing ability of yeasts using carbohydrate disc method.
M151 Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids, Ammonium Sulphate
for classification of yeasts on the basis of their ability to assimilate nitrogen and carbon compounds.
M878 Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids
for investigating carbon and nitrogen requirements of yeasts.

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