využití citrátu, malonátu, acetátu aj.

M1370 Acetamide Nutrient Broth (Twin Pack)
for detection of microbial utilization of acetamide.
M339 Acetate Differential Agar
for the differentiation of Shigella species from members of the genus Escherichia.
M235 Ammonium Phosphate Agar
for detecting the ability of microorganisms to utilize ammonium phosphate as a source of nitrogen.
M363 Carbon Utilisation Agar
for characterization of Streptomyces on the basis of carbon utilisation source.
M143 Christensen Citrate Agar
for differentiation of enteric pathogens and coliforms based on citrate utilization.
M483 Gluconate Test Medium
for detection of gluconate oxidizing microorganisms.
M1324 Ketogluconate Broth
for use in identifying bacteria that can utilize a-ketogluconate.
M069 Koser Citrate Medium
to differentiate Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes on the basis of citrate utilization.
M382 Malonate Broth
Pro rozlišení druhů rodů Enterobacter a Escherichia na základě schopnosti utilizovat malonát.
M779 Malonate Broth, Ewing Modified
for differentiation of members of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of malonate utilization.
M872 Phenol Red Tartrate Agar
for identification and differentiation of Salmonellae on the basis of tartarate utilization.
M411 Simmons Agar Base
a synthetic medium recommended for differentiation between faecal coliform and members of the aerogenes group on the basis of citrate utilization.
M099 Simmons Citrate Agar
Pro diferenciaci bakterií čeledi Enterobacteriaceae na základě schopnosti využívat citran jako zdroj uhlíku. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN EN ISO 10273 a ČSN P ISO/TS 22964.

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