tvorba indolu, sirovodíku, acetoinu (V-P test)

M1425 Hottinger Broth
for cultivation of less fastidious microorganisms and determination of indole in accordance with USSR State Pharmacopoeia.
M180 Lead Acetate Agar
for detection of hydrogen sulphide producing enteric bacteria.
M637 Modified V.P. Broth
for performing VP test.
M440 Peptone Iron Agar
for detection of hydrogen sulphide production by microorganisms.
M311 Sulphite Agar
for detection of thermophilic sulphide producing anaerobes.
M463 Tryptone Water (Tryptone Broth)
for detection of indole producing microorganisms.
M463I Tryptone Water
Pro zjišťování tvorby indolu koliformními bakteriemi.
M1339 Tryptophan Medium
Pro konfirmaci izolovaných kmenů Escherichia coli indolovým testem. Složení přípravku odpovídá požadavkům ČSN ISO 8914 a ČSN EN ISO 6579; 16654 a 21567.

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