pro serologii, detekci toxinů apod.

M200 Casitose Broth
for production of staphylococcal enterotoxin for use in Cat test and in serological studies.
M910 Casitose Yeast Extract Broth (CAYE)
for cultivation of Vibrio cholerae cultures while testing their enterotoxigenicity.
M974 Craig’s Medium
for cultivation of Vibrio cholerae to determine its enterotoxigenicity.
M854 E.T. Medium
for mass cultivation of Clostridia for enterotoxin production.
M942 Saline Agar
for alpha-toxin detection in Clostridium perfringens.
M313 Todd Hewitt Broth
Pro kultivaci druhů rodu Streptococcus zejména serologické skupiny A a pro serologické studie.
M969 Tryptone Peptone Glucose Yeast Extract Broth Base w/o Trypsin
Pro stanovení typu toxinů produkovaných kmeny Clostridium botulinum.

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