média s jedním nebo více sacharidy

M1463 Bromo Cresol Purple Broth w/ Dextrose
for identification of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria from water samples.
M1265 Bromo Cresol Purple Broth w/ Lactose
for identification of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria from water samples.
M057 Double Sugar Agar, Russell
for differentiation of Gram-negative enteric bacilli on the basis of their ability to ferment dextrose and lactose with or without gas formation.
M827 Fermentation Medium for Staphylococcus
Pro studium fermentace glukosy druhy rodů Staphylococcus a Micrococcus.
M1746 Glucose Agar
recommended for differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae in urine, water and food samples
M860 Glucose Broth
for study of dextrose fermentation where pH indicator is not desired.
M871 Hugh Leifson Glucose Medium
for differentiation of Staphylococci from Micrococci on the basis of anaerobic fermentation of glucose.
M826 Hugh Leifson Medium
for detecting aerobic and anaerobic breakdown of glucose.
M1235 King’s OF Medium Base
for studying oxidation-fermentation of carbohydrates by Campylobacter species.
M1527 Lactose Peptone Water
for lactose fermentation studies.
M114 Litmus Lactose Agar
for differentiation of lactose fermenting and lactose non fermenting microorganisms.
M1624 Mannitol Agar w/Prilion
selective agar used for isolation and differentiation of Salmonellae from Proteus species.
M055 Phenol Red Dextrose Agar
for Dextrose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M270 Phenol Red Lactose Agar
for Lactose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M271 Phenol Red Maltose Agar
for Maltose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M571 Phenol Red Mannitol Agar
for Mannitol fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M273 Phenol Red Sucrose Agar
for Sucrose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M1200 Phenol Red Adonitol Broth
Pro diagnostiku čistých kultur bakterií na základě jejich schopnosti fermentovat adonitol.
M1014 Phenol Red Arabinose Broth
for Arabinose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M056 Phenol Red Dextrose Broth
for Dextrose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M617 Phenol Red Dulcitol Broth
Pro diagnostiku čistých kultur bakterií na základě jejich schopnosti fermentovat dulcitol.
M1135 Phenol Red Galactose Broth
for Galactose fermentation studies of microorganims.
M1017 Phenol Red Inositol Broth
for Inositol fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M275 Phenol Red Lactose Broth
for Lactose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M275I Phenol Red Lactose Broth
Pro stanovení fermentačních schopností koliformních bakterií.
M276 Phenol Red Maltose Broth
Pro diagnostiku čistých kultur bakterií na základě jejich schopnosti fermentovat maltosu.
M570 Phenol Red Mannitol Broth
Pro diagnostiku čistých kultur bakterií na základě jejich schopnosti fermentovat mannitol.
M1013 Phenol Red Raffinose Broth
for Raffinose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M1183 Phenol Red Rhamnose Broth
Pro diagnostiku čistých kultur bakterií na základě jejich schopnosti fermentovat ramnosu.
M1011 Phenol Red Salicin Broth
Pro diagnostiku čistých kultur bakterií na základě jejich schopnosti fermentovat salicin.
M1012 Phenol Red Sorbitol Broth
for Sorbitol fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M1016 Phenol Red Starch Broth
for Starch fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M274 Phenol Red Sucrose Broth
Pro diagnostiku čistých kultur bakterií na základě jejich schopnosti fermentovat sacharosu.
M1201 Phenol Red Trehalose Broth
for Trehalose fermentation studies of microorganisms.
M1015 Phenol Red Xylose Broth
Pro diagnostiku čistých kultur bakterií na základě jejich schopnosti fermentovat xylosu.
M1364 Rhamnose Broth
for demonstration of rhamnose fermentation (Listeria monocytogenes).
M1193 Tryptone Yeast Extract Agar w/ BCP
Pro izolaci a stanovení počtů bakterií čeledi Enterobacteriaceae a Bacillus cereus v potravinách.
M844 Saccharose Broth
for identification of saccharose fermenting microorganisms.

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