Lecitinázová aktivita

FD045 Egg Yolk Emulsion (100 ml per vial)
Sterilní stabilizovaná žloutková emulse pro identifikaci druhů rodů Clostridium, Bacillus a Staphylococcus na základě jejich lecitinázové aktivity.
FD081 Tribut (10 ml per vial)
recommended for detection of lipolytic microorganisms.
M744 L.D. Egg Yolk Agar Base
for detecting lecithinase activity of anaerobic microorganisms.
M808 Egg Yolk Agar Base
for isolation and identification of Clostridia and certain other anaerobes.
MV157 Tributyrin HiVeg™ Agar Base w/o
for detection of lipolytic microorganisms.
MV808 Egg Yolk Agar Base, HiVeg™
for isolation and identification of Clostridia and certain other anaerobes.

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